lör 06 okt.
|Susedalens Hälsocenter
YOGA® Dancing
250 kr icke medlemmar - 150 kr medlemmar YogaDancing® means a number of things: Fun, vitality, personal development, sense of self, meditation in motion, freedom of dance, spirit-filled, enjoyment of life!
Tid och plats
06 okt. 2018 16:00 – 17:30
Susedalens Hälsocenter, Ekebergsvägen 17, 305 75 Getinge, Sverige
Om evenemanget
YogaDancing® offers a unique opportunity to tap into the world of movement in a brand-new way!
We combine the joy of dance with the mindfulness of yoga, which are both accompanied by music of various genres.
YogaDancing® allows participants to dance using their own individual movement. Well-structured phases alternate with phases of free-movement. These alternating phases help facilitate a profound experience of one’s self, deepening perception of one’s body.
Yoga Dancing
Biiljettpris 250 kr för icke medlemmar, 150 kr för medlemmar/tränande på Susedalens Hälsocenter.
250,00 krFörsäljning avslutad
0,00 kr